Last week I put a call out and said, ask me anything! Well, you guys asked some pretty great questions, that’s for sure! I have done my very best to answer them.

Lyn: How long have you been quilting, and what got you started?
I have been quilting for 7 years. I have always sewn and have a background in dressmaking. My mother has been quilting for about 15 years (or more) and I remember trying a precut quilt, in fetching shades of bottle green and dusty pinks. I think I lasted about 20 minutes before getting bored. I picked up quilting again about 7 years ago, after my daughter was born and I wanted/needed a new hobby. I saw a butterfly pattern in one of mum’s magazines, she sent me some fabrics and I was hooked.
Judith: How do you manage to get so much done and be so creative with a young family!
It’s all a façade Judith! I would love to be more prolific, but as a cricket widow (that is, the wife who is left behind when the cricket season starts), summer slows it down for me. Archer is a rather active toddler, so there isn’t much opportunity while he is awake, but he does nap well, so there is some time there. While the kids are young, I do get some time after 8pm to do sewing or blogging or pattern writing. I’m a night owl and take the time when it presents itself.
Alys: How many WIPs do you have?
Not a great deal of actual works in progress at the moment. I am making another bag to prepare for the pattern release and one or two tops laying around. However, there are so many work in progress in my head, that’s for sure.
@emmajeanjansen What’s your favourite fabric?
My favourite fabric would be from Washi by Rashida Haleman-Cole. I love the graphics and the colours. I may or may not have bought another 4 yards of the washi tape on cream from an online destash.

@pinkyingblog: Who is your favourite fabric designer?
Tula Pink. Parisville was the first ‘range’ I really fell in love with and since then I follow her pretty closely and more often than not will indulge in grabbing the complete line when they are released. I just love that she marches to the beat of her own drum and is her totally crazy self.
@katequilts: Do you like champagne?
@coleandtaffy: Do you like to read the book first or see the movie first?
Both. If I really love a movie, I will usually read the book. I have to admit, I am not very good at choosing books to read, most often the novels I read are on recommendation. I am currently reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. The TV series was amazing, so I quickly downloaded the series for my kindle and I am now about three quarters of the way through the first book. I’m having trouble putting it down…
Julie: How old were you when you lost your first tooth? Did the tooth fairy come and how much did she pay?
I can’t rightly recall Jules! I do know that when the tooth fairy remembers to show up at my house, she drops a buck in the trinket box.
@mrsaeh: Do you like to cook and if so, what’s your favourite speciality?
I prefer baking and I make a mean caramel slice. For some reason, I have never mastered a basic cake (what the heck am I doing wrong?), but my red velvet cake, with cream cheese frosting is certainly very popular!
Great to learn more about you. Thanks for answering my question!
Do you quilt your quilts yourself, or have them professionally done? And, what do you use on the backs of your quilts?
Hi Michelle! I usually quilt my own, with a variety of techniques, I love hand quilting at the moment! Usually for the back I use yardage with a pieced section for extra width.